Style Tips For Lounge Rooms

Style Tips For Lounge Rooms

Lounge rooms are often places where family and friends come together, and for this reason, it’s important to give these spaces a little bit more consideration when it comes to organisation and styling. This is largely because in this room small touches can have big results – lounge rooms can be organised to enhance quietness, be bubbly or created as spaces to relax. In this article, we take a look at a few key considerations you’ll need to make when styling your lounge room.

Lighting can drastically alter your space

Lighting is a powerful thing. The effective use of both natural and artificial light can very easily create focal points in your lounge room that can effortlessly support certain needs. For example, you may want to cast light from windows onto a couch (and away from spaces that might contain a television), while at night you may choose to incorporate a lamp in a corner for reading or simply as a source of ambient light.

Work out the place of your TV

If your lounge room contains a TV (and it’s fair to say most do), shifting the focus away from the TV can provide your space with a much more natural feel. TVs are getting larger, so offsetting this with the careful introduction of shelving, books, record players and vinyls, indoor plants and art can shift people’s attention from the giant black face of your TV and onto some much more visually appealing points. If you don’t have a TV (which is slowly becoming the case in many homes), you’ll likely have a lot more flexibility and can instead build the room around certain pieces of furniture. It’s also helpful if you hide all of the exposed cables from your digital devices (such as gaming consoles) to only expose the TV face itself.

Create zones in your lounge

If you have a good amount of space in your lounge, or if your lounge is connected to another space in your house through an open plan (such as kitchen or dining area), you can start working out how to divide it up into different sections. These sections can function as different spaces for different needs – for example, you can create a quiet reading space with a lamp away from the main space in the lounge which is typically reserved for watching TV or listening to music. This is achieved by carefully arranging furniture to separate the space, with this furniture potentially including things like bookcases, couches and consoles.

For more tips on how to style lounge rooms or for information on any of our services, reach out to our team at Furnish & Finish today

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